FilterBalls™ FAQs
Customer Service Representatives at FilterBalls field questions from pool owners, pool retailers, and pool service technicians throughout the year. We categorized their questions to help you navigate the world of FilterBalls.
- Are FilterBalls safe for my family?
- Are FilterBalls easy to install?
- How do I save money using FilterBalls?
- Can I save water with FilterBalls?
- How can I learn more about the FilterBalls innovation?
- I see many fiber ball media products on the internet, are they all the same?
Are FilterBalls safe for my family?
Yes, you can trust FilterBalls to be safe for your family’s swimming pool.
Health and Safety standards for the pool industry and commercial food and beverage processing are set by the National Safety Foundation (NSF) and certified by independent laboratories such as Underwriter Laboratories. FilterBalls meet the highest standards set for filter media. FilterBalls media is certified for health and safety in pools and potable water to the stringent NSF standards, 50, 42, 61 and 372. In fact, FilterBalls is the only pool filter media certified to all these standards.
Are FilterBalls easy to install?
Yes, not only are FilterBalls easy to install, FilterBalls are the easiest filter media to maintain.
If you are doing the installation and maintenance yourself, it’s important to become familiar with the components of your filter system and the maintenance.
- Ensure that your filter’s parts are not cracked or broken. If you had sand installed, inspect the parts once you removed the sand and replace any worn or broken parts.
- Follow the directions from your filter housing manufacture.
- Follow the simple installation instructions on the FilterBalls package. FilterBalls are the most operator friendly media available.
- Make sure you have at least twelve (12) inches of FilterBalls above the laterals. No need to fill the housing completely, you need room above the FilterBalls for the filter systems cleaning procedure or backwashing to work properly.
Installation instructions are available in our “How To” Manual and our “How To” Installation Video.
How do I save money with FilterBalls?
If you have purchased FilterBalls for your sand filter, you most likely have the lowest cost filter system available, including systems using cartridges or DE. Saving money on your purchase is not where your big savings come from. FilterBalls are engineered to get more water flow from lower pump speeds, allowing your pump to work more efficiently, using less power.
- Slower water velocity (not higher) is the key to better filtration. Matching the water flow to the pool systems required demand will optimize electric power consumption, which will lower your bill.
- With your single speed pump, your flow will increase and clean more water with every kilowatt of power.
- For your above ground pool, we recommend the use of a two-speed pump to save money by using the low speed for filtering and the high speed for backwashing. A two-speed pump can save 50% to 80% on your electric bill, produce the same or higher water flow on the low setting with sand on the high speed, and clean your pool water better when compared to sand, glass, or zeo-sand.
- To get the greatest savings on your electric bill and best filtration, use a variable speed pump for your in-ground or above ground pool with FilterBalls. Use low speeds (800 – 1,100 rpms) for filter mode and higher speeds for vacuuming and backwashing modes.
- For the best results, you can calibrate your pool efficiency perfectly by installing a flow meter. Flow meters are recommended by pool equipment manufacturers and engineers to dial in your pool with the optimal flow for the heater, chlorinator, and optimizing filtration performance.
Guidance on saving money with FilterBalls is available in our “How To” manual and our How to Install FilterBalls Video.
Can I save water with FilterBalls?
Yes, you save water with FilterBalls with the backwashing. The filter cleaning (backwashing) process with sand, glass, and zeo-sand require frequent cycles to remove dirt from the media and restore the media’s filtering capacity. By using FilterBalls’ increased capacity to hold dirt, you backwash less frequently and save water. Simply follow the FilterBalls installation instructions by noting your filter pressure upon installation and backwash when the pressure increases by 5-6 psi. Note your starting pressure will be much lower than what you experienced with sand. In many cases your starting pressure will read below 2psi! Independent testing has proven that FilterBalls hold over 20 times more dirt as sand so you can expect much longer times between backwash cycles.
How can I learn more about the FilterBalls innovation?
FilterBalls are patented with the US Patent Office, Patent #10,722,829. The inventor and FilterBalls President, Kirk Morris, has designed some of the most technical filtration systems in the world and volunteers his filtration expertise serving on National Safety Foundation performance, health and safety standards committees.
- See our training videos! Kirk’s training videos are now available to pool owners and pool professionals:
- Read our short and simple “How To” Installing and Enjoying the Benefits of FilterBalls pamphlet.
- Follow our Facebook page
- Call our hotline. Our trained and certified customer service pool professionals are available for your support on our hot line: 224-637-8900
I see many fiber ball media products on the internet, are they all the same?
No! There are many foreign products on the market imitating the FilterBalls innovation. They do not perform as well and do not backwash when it comes time to clean. These imitations are not certified to health and safety standards NSF 42 or 61 or 372. The manufacturers recommend removing their balls from the filter housing and placing the filthy balls in your sink, washing machine, or dishwasher. There are many YouTube videos demonstrating this process. These balls are usually white in color, FilterBalls are not available in white.
Chinese manufactures are distributing polymeric fiber balls copying our registered name and sometimes our color in the case of our FilterBalls Blü. Beware of fake media! The made in China products have no customer service lines so we receive calls from unsuspecting customers deceived by these practices. Some examples of fake media are: Aqualoon aka Starmatrix, RX Clear Luster, Cotton Tails (white balls), Fiber Balls, Filtra Balls and Filter Balls a/k/a AITSITE (white balls).
Buy products Made in USA. Look only for the genuine products using the FilterBalls logo.

For more information about fake media, see our “Fake Media” video.
Read on for answers to common questions that we receive from pool suppliers, pool owners, and from our research on other filter media reviews you might find on the Internet. We will continue to add your questions to this link as you raise them.
- What does FilterBalls mean for Clean Technology?
Clean technology or CleanTech refers to any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities. Clean technology includes a
broad range of technology related to recycling, renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower, biofuels, etc.), information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, Greywater, and more. *1.0
In the business of water filtration, we have talked about the reduced weight and energy savings you realize by converting to FilterBalls. But FilterBalls is much more. FilterBalls offers the only completely renewable technology that also avoids health issues with filter sand dust (Silicosis) and muscle strain.
Whenever you decide to replace your FilterBalls, simply discard the used (but cleaned) filter media in your recycling bin along with other plastic products. By using FilterBalls, consumers reduce the demand on silica and quartz natural resources mined and processed, for filter sand. The
American Lung Association and OSHA also warn that occupations that handle filter sand and glass, should avoid silica dust inhalation that can cause lung disease from silicosis. No more potential muscle strain as you no longer need to transport, replace, and dispose of heavy sand once you convert to FilterBalls.
*1 Source: Wikipedia,
- Do I really save money with FilterBalls?
Absolutely! Sand and other filter medias are more expensive, particularly when you consider shipping, handling and transportation costs. It takes energy to overcome pressurizing a vessel, because FilterBalls increases your water flow with reduced pressure, your pumps are working with less effort. In fact, your pumps do not need to run nearly as long to move the total volume of water in your pool through the filter system. So with less power consumed, you save money on your monthly electricity bill and you should find your pumps lasting longer with less maintenance.
- We installed FilterBalls this summer and for the first time the water pressure never increased requiring backwash. Is this normal?
Yes, as stated above, FilterBalls handle at least 20 times the dirt load of filter sand. Because with FilterBalls utilizes the full depth of the filter media bed to capture dirt and filter out more particulate matter before needing to backwash. So you should be backwashing much less frequently.
- How does FilterBalls perform during backwashing? Will I find fibers shedding from backwash action?
FilterBalls were designed to tolerate the agitation of the water flow during the backwash cycle. FilterBalls media in part, depends on the collision of the FilterBalls to jar loose those particles that might have worked deep into the media. It’s why FilterBalls is the poster child for the definition of a depth filter media. FilterBalls are lab tested, internally and third party validated independent labs located in Michigan and the Carolinas. As a result the lack of fiber migration is one of the patented claims. We use a proprietary thermal bonding process so the fibers stay in the form you see when you install them in the filter vessel.
Cheap paper (cellulose based pleated filters) and all melt-blowns and string wound filters have fiber migration. The more expensive Polyester or Polypropylene pleated cartridges have much less, but you are paying for that as well. Cellulose based media (cheap pleats) breaks down more rapidly in chlorinated and salt-water pool and spas.
- FilterBalls are very large when compared to sand particles. It seems it would be easy for unfiltered water to bypass and go around the FilterBalls as they begin to load with particulates.
Bypass occurs in string-wounds and sand filters, the industry term is called channeling. Sand is hydrophilic, which in simple terms means attracts water, this is why sand is so heavy when wet. It absorbs water and the frictional forces on the surface of the sand particles are what wear it smooth and cause the high differential pressure you see when the pump is running. FilterBalls do not have that problem because we are hydrophobic. Which simply defined means “repels water”. Water always chooses the path of least resistance. Unlike sand that has a propensity to channel or bypass, FilterBalls provide multitudes of (torturous) paths of low resistance trapping particles that are suspended and removing them, allowing the clean water to exit out the lower lateral manifolds.
One exception: When the filter is small (designed for 250 lbs. of sand or less) or has a bed of less than 12 inches deep, FilterBalls minis or a blend of Minis and FilterBalls is recommended to avoid potential problems with bypass.
It is worth mentioning that water flows through the FilterBalls, the agitation or movement of the water does have the effect of nestling the FilterBalls together forming a rather tight batting of media. Only the backwashing or reverse agitation breaks them apart again causing the trapped dirt particles to be washed out to drain.
- Do I get better results in my pool if I use finer micron rated FilterBall product like Sanz?
Not necessarily. Generally, we recommend FilterBalls Blü for pools. Sanź offers our finest filtration level and is a product designed for pre-filtration jobs used in food and beverage and drinking water applications. The finer filtration is more than you need in most pool and spa applications.
- Can I use FilterBalls in my existing sand vessel?
Yes, FilterBalls are made for use in all sand vessels. To determine how many bags of FilterBalls you need, use just one cubic foot or 1 bag for every 100 pounds of sand you usually use. A common 300-pound sand filter will need just 3 cubic feet or 3 bags of FilterBalls.
- Can I replace my zeolite with FilterBalls?
Yes, when you replace zeolite, replace 50 pounds of zeolite with 1 cubic foot of FilterBalls.
- Do FilterBalls float?
No, FilterBalls are made of polyester and do not float. You should remember to purge your filter vessel of air just as you do with sand, Diatomaceous Earth or filter cartridges.
- How long will FilterBalls last?
FilterBalls will not wear down from the aggressive action of moving water as will sand or zeolite. Sand and zeolite become smooth just as river stones lose their edges and their capacity to filter. FilterBalls will last as long, or longer than sand.
We will be adding more FAQ’s soon!!
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